Introducing Dr. Tyler Wasson, Your Queer Mindfulness Coach…

Welcome to a journey of self-discovery and transformation. I'm Tyler Wasson, and I invite you to explore the profound world of mindfulness with me.

My Journey Into Mindfulness

My path into mindfulness began many years ago as I was emerging from a very conservative, fundamentalist Christian upbringing and a subsequent curiosity about Buddhism. My curiosity was subsequently deepened by a pivotal training I received in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) during my doctoral studies in Clinical Psychology. The revelation that I am not my thoughts sparked a transformative and expansive journey into self-acceptance and emotional freedom.

Escaping the Matrix

My years of mindfulness practice have profoundly transformed my identity and life perspective. These practices bring a heightened and deepened contact with reality, akin to Neo's awakening in The Matrix, revealing the distorted perceptions of reality we often accept. As I navigate my life, I realize our struggles are less about tangible barriers and more about our entanglement in difficult thoughts and emotions, which we often mistakenly perceive as concrete obstacles. My goal is to share practical skills with others, aiding in breaking free from this cycle of distortion and struggle, and opening up new realms of possibility.

Coaching Philosophy

In my coaching, I emphasize core principles such as unfiltered awareness of the present moment; breaking free from debilitating, (unintentionally) self-created misperceptions of reality; recognizing our intra-connection with all things; and cultivating true presence, acceptance, compassion, and awe (one of the most powerful antidotes to boredom and discontent!).

Your Transformation Awaits

Imagine a life where self-compassion and acceptance of your unique life’s journey lead to decreased stress, increased well-being, and a profound sense of purpose and contentment. My coaching seeks to bring about this positive ripple effect not only in your individual life but also extending into your community.

Coaching Style

Clients often describe my coaching style as a unique blend of warm, calming, incisive, and irreverent. Together, we create a coaching environment that's both deeply centering and approachable, tailored to their unique needs and circumstances.

The Reward of Transformation

On a personal level, the most rewarding aspect of my coaching is witnessing clients apply mindfulness practices to their lives, experiencing profound shifts in their life paradigm, increased self-confidence, and a deeper sense of connection, contentment, and fulfillment.

A Paradoxical Journey

Despite the modern capitalist rebranding as an easy way to “calm down,” “quiet your mind,” and “maximize productivity,” practicing mindfulness can often turn out to be somewhat intense, personally confronting work, requiring a measure of dedication and perseverance. However, the deeply transformative benefits begin to unfold when we let go of goal-oriented agendas and simply dedicate ourselves to the practices. It has the potential to be a refreshing and rewarding approach unlike any other.


Identifying as a gay/queer man myself, I’m passionate about facilitating breakthroughs for LGBTQ+ folks. I am routinely sought out by other queer people because they know there’s just something special about receiving guidance and support from a queer-identified coach who can identify with many of their circumstances, experiences, and struggles.

Professional Credentials

  • Licensed Clinical Psychologist

  • Certified Mindfulness Teacher

Embark on this journey with me, and let's explore the transformative power of mindfulness together. Your path to self-discovery and a more fulfilling life starts here.